

ish】2012-12-21发表: 法林森家具有限公司


法林森家具有限公司是香港环球实业集团在大陆的子公司主要以家具加工和贸易为主。 其销售类似现在瑞典宜家家具,是通过专卖店和网店的方式.意将世界各地的设计时尚家居产品带入中国,并以较低的折扣价提供给中国的每一个追求生活品质和时尚的人士。 香港环球实业集团(furnishing china group)一于2001年七月在香港注册,资金为五百万元,致力于提供高品质、室内家具,酒店家具办公家具 学校家具酒吧家具为宗旨的港资公司。我们专注于家具领域相关产品的研发与生产,我们与国内众多的家具公司有着紧密的合作关系,供应商覆盖整个珠三角和长三角。 香港环球实业集团现为跨国采购集团及国外买家提供市场咨询.供应商信息评估.及货品检验等服务。集团下属一个全资工厂及多个控股和附属工厂 。我们的国外买家涉及 欧洲 ,北美 .中东.东南亚及港澳台等国家和地区.很多财富全球500强及中国本土知名企业已成为我们重要的客户. 法林森家具立足于将国际上比较现代.潮流的经典的家具引入国内 .如:由丹麦著名设计师 arne jacobsen 设计的egg chair (鸡蛋椅),swan chair(天鹅椅);美国著名设计师雷.伊姆斯ray eames 设计的eames(伊姆斯休闲和办公椅)。德国著名现代设计师米斯(ludwig mies van der rohe,)设计的barcelonachair(巴塞罗纳椅). 我们意将国际新风潮,摩登时髦、雅致简洁、造型美感 兼顾功能性的名师之作品引领国内现代家具时尚。其材料采用国际通用且非常环保的玻璃纤维,高纤维防火海绵等一些高科技材料。 我们沿用意大利.法国.丹麦等欧洲时尚风格。其经典. 时尚.简约且具有现代风格 深受当代都市白领.成功人士钟爱---在追求经典时尚的同时又不失个性,在讲求简约现代的同时又不失品味。 法林森的经营理念:对内对员工负责,对外对客户负责。 furnishing china group international ltd is a enterpriseve company own a factory with office in shenzhen .china .. after several years development , we have integrating design ,sourcing, , manufacture and sales the trendiest designs in modern furniture ,contemporary furniture and home accessory,. we offer the most attractive pricing can offer, as we believe that right market positioning and good serve can let s our relationship be more longer and stable and then reach mutual benefit. our office locates inshenzhen business central –luohu district . besides that,the factory and subsidiary factory also located in shenzhen and near city . can match you diversity requirement -convenience traffic and fast logistics. .we focus on high-grade bar chairs, leisure chairs and modern classical furniture. the design conception is on the root of bauhouse. order can shipped by container (or consolidated) all the products have a simple and modern style together with exquisite technology and workmanships. we can supply a full range of products inland and overseas and also can manufacture products in oem style owned and controlled by western design conscious shareholders, furnishing china international group is a true revolution in your modern furniture manufacture and sourcing experience in china. our attention to detail, western taste and demanding production requirements set forth the scope of our offer and contribute to making the difference that is key to our success we are different by design. we work with international designers helping us design and update our exclusive selections. we believe in renewing our collections on an ongoing and regular basis, and anticipating the latest design trends to better serve our clients. one-stop shopping concept, we are proud that most of our clients find all their sourcing needs in one supplier, ready and willing to consolidate orders thanks the diversity of our offer. we are different by quality. better materials assembled at lower costs. this is our secret to provide the lowest prices on the market. furnishing china group’s expertise in furniture ,furniture accessory and purchasing power has allowed us to develop innovative state-of-the-art sourcing solutions involving the latest industrial technologies throughout china. we make a point in providing systematic quality control on exported products, which really makes the difference and keep our customers loyal to our reliable sourcing concept. we are different by professionalism. our sales associates all speak fluent english and are committed to delivering a trustworthy customer service - western style, a diligent order follow-up and reporting. we are different by taste. our lines of modern furniture include modern sofas, outdoor furniture, platform beds, designer chairs and more, broken down in 5 main lines: 1. modern furniture: clean lines, zen style, modern classics such as barcelona, tulip series chairs and tables, lc2 and lc3 sofas... as well as our own unique designs. 2. hotel furniture: baroque accent pieces that can be easily added to modern environments. 3. outdoor furniture featuring state-of-the art uv resistant and waterproof materials. 4. office furniture, durable and finally made modern! 5. modern sofa designer sofas .classic sofa.modular sofa.leather sofa.sofa bed .corner sofa .recliner sofa.rattan sofa.chesterfield sofa. website : 法林森的服务宗旨:保障客户的利益,满足客户个性化的要求,为客户创造价值,追求客户满意。 法林森的产品特点:现代、简约、时尚,高品质,标准化,模块化。 法林森的的主流文化:心态积极,工作主动,充满激情,持续学习,勤于思考,不断创新。 法林森的销售方法:顾问与服务销售法。我们是客户在室内设计和办公家具配置方面的专业顾问和服务员。


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(【ish】更新:2012/12/21 13:43:04)
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